Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Wage-Labour Sociology essays

Compensation Labor Sociology articles This weeks readings were Marx, Wage-Labor and Capital, Davis and Moore, Some Principles of Stratification, and Domhoff, Who Rules America: Power and Politics in the Year 2000. In the primary perusing, Marx discusses the connections between laborers, bosses, and buyers. He makes reference to the way that a major dominant part of the common laborers accept that there work doesn't take into consideration an average living. In light of this, Marx expresses that wages will rise and fall as indicated by the flexibly and request. This is significant in keeping up a working American economy. We are helped that while the requests to remember the representatives are not in any way nonsensical, the entrepreneur must consider a ton of different things when setting compensation. The business must permit enough assets for the preparation of its representatives, keeping up the office and hardware used to deliver, creation costs, and furthermore retraining of new workers supplanting the old. With the entirety of this into account, the wages are set to suit the laborers overall. Likewise, Marx calls attention to that the less the time of preparing that the representatives experience, the littler the expense of creation of the specialist, and the lower the cost of his wages. Business people must offer a value or remunerate laborers so as to fill in the spots of the higher prepared positions. It would not bode well to pay a phone salesperson, who requires next to zero preparing in excess of a doctor who must experience numerous long stretches of preparing and instruction. Something must attract individuals to these occupations. The wages and advantages must exceed the impermanent enduring that these students experience. What's more, besides, it would not assist the organization with paying the representatives more than the expense of creation of the specialist. This prompts the subsequent perusing, Principles of Stratification. The fundamental point present in Principles of Stratification was as per the following: No general public is without class or s... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Men In The New Society

I was raised to accept that everything is made equivalent. This conviction was unexpectedly changed when I entered school. People’s recognition and sentiment has in a manner stirred me to the truth that our decisions in life are in some cases influenced by the disparities set by our general public. These imbalances have unfavorably affected people’s decisions and jobs throughout everyday life. These may now and then arrive in an inconspicuous type of formal consistence to the normal obligations and jobs that an individual ought to expect in the general public yet these are cruel types of hardship of individual’s choice and articulation of one’s being. Society’ generalizing of men and women’s job and duties has made such a great amount of harm to individuals particularly among men. In this new age where everything is quick changing and advancing, society ought to figure out how to see people similarly and attempt to kill generalizing in the framework. Society ought to figure out how to be reasonable and evenhanded in its dealings among people. Both are individuals who reserve the option to live as indicated by close to home decisions and inclinations, as opposed to as indicated by society’s out of line desires and predisposition assessments. People the same ought to be given equivalent chances to find their motivation in life as opposed to power to accept customary jobs in the family, society and in the nation. It is a reality that these days society despite everything saw ladies well than men. Ladies are managed more resistance and comprehension while men are firmly expected to do their jobs easily and comfort. This treatment is even strengthened in view of more prominent backing to the assurance of women’s rights as opposed to on the advancement of the fairness of the two genders. Studies have indicated that women's activist development is more pervasive and bolstered than men developments. In fact, society’s treatment among people made a colossal separation between the two genders that as a result empowered people the same to reinforce developments purportedly to declare and ensuring their particular rights in the general public. Clashes are then elevated instead of settled. It is said that the most testing and noteworthy issue that men in the US face today is the persecution among men. This issue is tied down on the truth that society’s treatment to men some of the time share the idea of mistreatment. Men are in effect unjustifiably denied from chances to communicate genuine self. Regularly they are pushed to expect jobs like that of being the family’s supplier, an obligation that can be followed back generally. These standards of jobs and duties set by the general public are viewed as severe yet unrecognized by many. As indicated by Schenk â€Å"men’s type of persecution have not been sufficiently characterized, in this way they are seen to be non-existent†. Along these lines, society kept on setting the standard of practices and jobs for men and direct men’s activities and choices. Since youth, men are instructed to be extreme and solid. They are instructed not to cry or to exhibit feelings. Their psyches are molded to be the supplier of the family and the safeguard of the nation. Should they miss the mark on these social desires they are reprimanded, rebuffed, dismissed or hurt frequently all through their lifetime for the impacts of the social molding that has been put upon them. Additionally, men have been deliberately prepared to surrender their starting innate, simple desire for having loosened up consideration from another when they are tense. The enormous young men don't cry standard even starts from the get-go in a boy’s life except if his folks have put forth the attempt that is expected to permit his enthusiastic discharge procedure to be left unblemished. This abuse powers guys to stow away or shield their troubles, which some of the time makes the way toward recuperating one's intrinsic distinction and finding one’s potential and capacities considerably more testing. Surely social desires are more hard for men as opposed to ladies and society has not done noteworthy activities to break this horrible and out of line cycle. Or maybe society permits the proceeded with persecution against men by a few establishments. Society’s establishments like the furnished administrations, the courts, police and detainment facilities, the medication and liquor businesses, the games business, and the work place has straightforwardly and in a roundabout way hurt men. Regardless of whether society knows about this is unbelievable as society’s just concern is for men to keep serving ladies and the general public in the regular old customary arrangement of reasoning and conduct. Men are likewise erroneously depicted in the media. They are dealt with characteristically and as not exactly human all through society. Regularly they are anticipated as the savage sex and severe to ladies. This awful projection has made a permanent imprint on the impression of many even to the youthful age that makes it progressively hard to break the endless loop of unrecognized mistreatment among men. Men in a manner do get benefit from the manner in which society sets up everybody with the jobs they are in. Be that as it may, the benefits are genuine and material. It needs substance and don't in a manner fulfill the most serious need of men which is to have positive confidence. It ought to be noticed that the absolute best of being human isn't material or material benefit, it is our human characteristics to be close, to think about others, fabricate numerous connections of different types, to feel critical and to have positive self-idea. In these territories the lives of men are absolutely not advantaged and for the most part not yet ground-breaking. Then again, the degree to which men acknowledge abuse and not exactly completely human connections is the degree that they acknowledge their own persecution as well as add to that mistreatment and pass the got persecution to different gatherings. The disguise of their own gathering's abuse is the sum total of what that has been expected to keep up the mistreatments of every other gathering. At the point when anybody gets tense and acts in a not exactly completely human way this conduct fortifies the generalizations for all the individuals in question. The mistreatment of men influences all men. The test to face and help settle the issues of persecution among men is so monstrous. At my stage now, I will most likely be unable to try and make an extraordinary commitment to these issues. Be that as it may, my learnings to these issues in life of people would help me a great deal in my choices throughout everyday life. As indicated by Benett-Goleman, â€Å"life itself can be an instructor, giving us the odds to transmute the feelings raised in us. At the point when life baffles us, it offers a chance to reach past common shows and understandings toward a more noteworthy perspective† (365). My mindfulness and comprehension to these issues would then reinforce my purpose that I need to stand firm on my choices and decisions. I will be unable to make a noteworthy impact in the general public yet at any rate I can have any kind of effect beginning from my own life circle with the critical individuals throughout my life. In any event I can without break from this horrendous worldview of conduct. Reference List Benett-Goleman, Tara. Passionate Alchemy: How the Mind can Heal the Heart. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001. Schenk, Roy. Disgrace and Male Oppression. National Coalition of Free Men. Recovered February 13, 2007

Sunday, July 26, 2020

A View From the Class Andres Ochoa Toasa James Schalkwyk COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

A View From the Class Andres Ochoa Toasa James Schalkwyk COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The SIPA Office of Alumni and Development is excited to share  A View from the Class, a SIPA stories series, featuring current SIPA students, recently graduated alumni, and SIPA faculty. Andres Ochoa Toasa Andres graduated from SIPA in May 2017 with a Master in International Affairs, concentrating in Economic and Political Development (EPD) with a specialization in Advanced Economic and Policy Analysis. Here, Andres discusses his EPD workshop project and how it impacted his SIPA experience. Why did you choose SIPA and the EPD Concentration? I chose SIPA over four other graduate schools to which I was accepted because of SIPA’s international public policy focus and because SIPA has built a community that reflects global perspectives through its faculty and students. My interest in the EPD concentration grew more organically. I have a law degree specializing in human rights and my professional experience is mainly in international development. I was drawn to the EPD program, not only for the strength of its courses, but also for the depth of the workshop projects, which stand out as practical and impactful. How did you decide on your EPD Workshop? What was the process like? It was a difficult decision because there were so many choices. My development background is in youth engagement; however, at SIPA, I chose to focus my studies on courses related to monitoring and evaluation, the United Nations, and management. I applied for projects that combined these topics and were outside of my regional area of Latin America. I applied for projects based in Kosovo, Nepal, Cote d’Ivoire, and Myanmar; ultimately, choosing the project based in Kosovo. In the end, it was a very fun process because it showed me how much I had grown in two years and what continues to drive me as a development professional. How did you spend your time in Kosovo? What were some highlight experiences? In Kosovo, I worked very hard with another SIPA student on a project mobilizing young Kosovars to pursue sustainable development goals (SDGs).   We conducted all of the stakeholder analysis and interview processes, laying the groundwork for a second student group. We reached out to ministers, ambassadors, NGOs, youth movements, human right activists, journalists, and even artists to see how youth could begin mainstreaming the SDGs. One highlight experience occurred during our last meeting with an official who complimented us on our impressive understanding of youth engagement in Kosovo. In what direction do you see your career moving? How do you think the EPD Workshop contributed to your future goals? My career is now moving rapidly into international development. Through the workshop, I developed many tools and greater experience that complement my development background and professional experience and will allow me to address and take on global challenges.  James Schalkwyk James is a SIPA Fund Fellow and a second year student pursuing his Master of Public Administration, concentrating in Urban and Social Policy (USP) and specializing in Advanced Policy and Economic Analysis (APEA) and the U.S. Region. Here, James discusses his motivation for attending SIPA and his SIPA experience thus far. What did you do prior to attending SIPA? I grew up in Cape Town, South Africa, and studied music and English literature at the University of Cape Town. After interning with DARPA in Washington, DC, which focused on how to encourage private investment in interstellar space travel, I became interested in how governments and the private sector can work together to achieve technological and social breakthroughs. This led me to NASA Ames in Silicon Valley, where I worked in public-private partnerships and public and governmental affairs. In addition to putting together agreements touching all aspects of NASA’s work, my group focused on encouraging the emerging “NewSpace” industry in and around Silicon Valley. My office devised the innovative funding mechanism that gave rise to SpaceX and the Orbital Sciences Corporation, which helped renew the ability of the U.S. to service the International Space Station. The summer before coming to SIPA, I worked for the former director of NASA Ames on The Breakthrough Initiatives, a new program funded by Silicon Valley billionaire Yuri Milner, aimed at sending a probe to Alpha Centauri within a generation. Why did you choose SIPA? Several things influenced my decision to attend SIPA: I spoke to an alumnus who was extremely enthusiastic about his time at SIPA; I attended an event in San Francisco where Nobel Laureate and Columbia University Professor Joseph Stiglitz spoke to a small group about his work and our interests; and finally, and probably most importantly, I received a fellowship offer. Graduate school is a huge investment, and I cannot understate the importance of any level of financial assistance. This assistance made SIPA possible for me. How did you choose the Urban and Social Policy (USP) Concentration? Despite my experience in aerospace, I was becoming increasingly interested in domestic policy. I originally applied to the Economic and Political Development concentration; however, during my first semester, I found myself drawn to topics related to local governance. The outcome of the November U.S. elections also helped guide my decision, highlighting the importance of ensuring that government provides services and protections to the people who need them most. After choosing my classes for the spring semester, I found that almost all of them were in the USP concentration, cementing my decision to switch. What has been your experience at SIPA so far? I’ve made friends from all over the world and discovered a love for economics and statistics. This past summer, I worked with the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation on city partnership programs with private companies and startups, which allowed me to get to know city government from the inside and increased my interest in “Smart Cities” and the “GovTech” space. Thanks to an opportunity through USP, this fall I will begin working part-time with the Citizen’s Budget Commission, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civic organization that attempts to influence change in the finances and services of New York City and New York State government. SIPA has both deepened my existing interests and opened up brand new vistas, and I feel more confident, engaged, and excited about the future.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Crescent Pure - 2992 Words

Crescent Pure Case Analysis Joà £o Nunes The Lisbon MBA Part-Time 15/17 Contents Executive Summary Situation Analysis Company Customers Competition Energy Drinks Sports Drinks SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threaths Marketing strategy Positioning Alternatives Point of Parity with Energy Drinks Point of Parity with Sports Drinks Point of Differentiation from both categories Recommendation to Management Financials Breakeven Analysis Final Considerations Exhibits Executive Summary Sarah Ryan, VP of Marketing for Portland Drake Beverages is facing a tough decision of deciding the positioning and overall strategy for the impending launch of Crescent Pure, an all-natural, organic beverage PDB†¦show more content†¦However, short term production capacity restraints limited PDB’s production of Crescent to 12,000 cases per month in 2014. Customers Looking at the Energy Drinks market, we find that the largest group of energy-drink consumers were males between ages 18 and 34. Parents of children were also more likely to consume energy drinks. The highest volume of energy drinks consumed was by respondents with a household income below $25,000 per year, quite lower than Crescent’s customer base with a median of $42,500. Regarding the Sports Drink market, roughly half of men drank sports drinks, while only a third of women did. Although 40% of men found sports drinks refreshing, only 27% of females did. Sports drinks appealed to younger consumers - 62% of those between ages 18 and 24, and 77% of those ages 12 to 17. Comparing these figures with those provided by the respondents of Crescent’s customer survey, we find that 80% of Crescent’s customer are aged 18-34, with 44% between 18 and 24. This result would fit better with the customer profiling of the Energy Drinks market. Crescent also had a larger portion of female customers (40%) than those who consumed Sports Drinks, which we can observe by the Retailer feedback and the customer demographic profile. Results from the focus groups showed thatShow MoreRelatedCrescent Pure Essay1599 Words   |  7 PagesVice President of Marketing, Portland Drake Beverages (PDB). PDB - Manufacturer of organic juices and sparkling waters. Positioning: After segmenting and targeting. Where in customers’ minds the product occupies relative to competing products. Crescent: Non-alcoholic functional beverage, impending launch in three U.S. markets. Acquired in July 2013. Energy-enhancing, hydrating, all-organic ingredients. Energy drinks vs. Sports drink(hydrating) PDB’s competitors: Planned to launch all-naturalRead MoreCase Study Crescent Pure Essay1084 Words   |  5 PagesRosenblatt Marketing Management Business Case Study: Crescent Pure Due to Crescent being Portland Drake Beverages’ (PDB) first entry into the U.S. sport/energy beverage market, there are some issues that PDB should consider with regard to Crescent’s impending launch. These issues consist of determining what customers want, being discussion-worthy and being transparent. Before launching Crescent it is essential to make sure that there is a place for Crescent in the market. Sarah Ryan, Vice President ofRead MoreFactors That Influence The Position Of Crescent Pure Of The Contemporary Market Space1617 Words   |  7 Pages a) There are several factors that can influence the position of Crescent Pure in the contemporary market space. These factors include competitors, market size and consumer preferences. Both competition and market size are of major importance when one explores the positioning of a product. In the case of Crescent Pure, this is vital as Ryan must determine the level of competition that will be faced if the product is marketed as either an energy or sport drink. In the case of an energy product,Read MoreContract Food Service Providers And Vending Machine Operating Companies1011 Words   |  5 Pageswill be targeting office workers, it will be important that Crescent Pure is stocked in the vending machines in most large offices. Availability of Crescent Pure at breakrooms of large corporations will give it a significant foothold in corporate America. Companies such as Compass (and its subsidiary Canteen), Sodexo and Aramark will help us reach inside large office buildings and grow on word of mouth publicity. We want Crescent pure to become the choice of beverage for corporate meetings. AdditionallyRead MoreAnalysis Of Portland Drake Beverages ( Pdb )1669 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Portland Drake Beverages (PDB) had acquired Crescent Pure, a non-alcoholic, all natural energy enhancing and hydrating functional beverage. Having organic ingredients as the bases of Crescent Pure beverages made the perfect acquisition for extending the PDB organic brand to more markets. These multiple attributes made the drink an attractive product for the consumer, but the necessity to position it, sparked a debate. Some people wanted to market it as an energy drink, while others wantedRead MoreThe Menorah Is A Common And Very Sacred Symbol Dating1599 Words   |  7 Pagesmission to be a light unto the nations. It is stated the light is not a violent force and for Israel to accomplish their mission they must set an example and refrain from violent force. Because God supposedly dictated the creation of the Menorah from pure gold, Jewish sages deduced that they must strive for â€Å"solid gold† in regard to motives and behaviors. This means that their character should reflect holy actions. The Menorah also represents the inspiration to embrace holiness. It begins with a centralRead MoreStrategic Marketing 3 March With Solution 2 3 4 5 1860 Words   |  8 PagesMarketing | 2014 - 2015 Crescent Pure Group assignment Group 26 Caixia Zhang 0512912 Ibrahim Emsallak 102704 Seppe Van Den Brande 101836 Skoulas Marios 0514293 Terence van Dijk 0099647 Professors: Dr. Birgit WAUTERS Prof. Kim WILLEMS 05.03.2015 Table of content 1. Given that Crescent is PDB’s first entry in the US sport and/or energy beverage market, what must PDB do in regard to Crescent’s pending launch? 3 2. What factors should influence the positioning of Crescent? (textbook chapterRead MoreStrategic Marketing Case 1 Essay2887 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿ Strategic Marketing Crescent Pure Case by Cenker Arslan (0511394) Mert Bayraktar (0514486) Umut Fisek (0514234) Cem Ziya Gà ¼rsoy (0513408) Muhammet Cihat Mete (0513241) Portland Drake Beverages (PDB) is a manufacturer of organic juices and sparkling waters, which bought Crescent that is founded in 2008 by Peter Hoober whom already realized a market opportunity for a healthy energizing drink. Although he has started that production and selling of Crescent as a hobby, later on it became aRead More Our Moving Fate: A Study of El Greco’s Assumption of the Virgin1741 Words   |  7 Pagesman into that of God. Just above the area of importance, the Virgin’s feet are balanced on a gold concave-up crescent. The points on each side project upwards and seem to be striving for the heavens, pulling Mary up with them. The first glimpse of motion is seen here, as the bottom tip of Mary’s blue gown hangs over the left side of the crescent. It is as if the upward motion of the crescent, and Mary, are leaving this corner of cloth behind. Next, a stone pyramid in the background, wedged in betweenRead MoreThe Starry Night By Vincent Van Gogh1633 Words   |  7 Pagesdiviner to the rest of the picture. The moon and the stars add luminosity as a desolate and cold rendering object inside the sky. The crescent moon at the top right corner emit a bright light of orange colour that different from the rest of the stars; this is could be seen as a strong holy wave that was possessed the crescent moon. With an unique orange color, the crescent moon seems to take resemble appearance like the sun. In contrast of light and dark the image of clouds motion emphasizes and lures

Friday, May 8, 2020

Factors That Affect the Academic Performance of the...

By Kirk A. Johnson, Ph.D. Few would argue that advanced teacher training does not make a difference in student achievement. In fact, Professor William Sanders of the University of Tennessee argues persuasively that the single most dominant factor affecting student academic gain is teacher effect.1 However, little statistical research is available for evaluating which type of training and teaching degree has the best effect on student achievement. As the demand for higher academic achievement and accountability in public education grows, it is important to determine whether teachers who hold advanced degrees in education as a general field are more effective than those who have degrees in specific subjects like English or math.†¦show more content†¦As put forward by Hijaz and Naqvi, there are many ways to weigh up different factors, which can affect performance of students. It is most likely, that there is no universally accepted method to measure the performance of students. Literature Review Performance of a student depends upon many factors. Nevertheless, three factors, family, teacher, and personal profile of students are most likely critical (Diaz, 2003). Significance of factors may vary depending upon the context, culture, level of education etc. Family interaction and Socio Economic Status (SES) of family can play an important role in the performance of students. As said by Schulz (2005), The socio-economic status of families has been consistently found to be an important variable in explaining variance in student’s achievement (p. 3). Schulz explains that family can contribute in many ways, for instance; it can provide financial, moral, and other necessary and useful support to a student. They can provide a stimulating home environment to promote cognitive development. All the same, the personal attention of a family and its members is a strong variable. As identified by Hijaz and Naqvi (2006), merely access to better resources does not provide guarantee for better performance of students and have established a negative correlation between the income of a family and performance of a student. It may vary from situation to situation. Nevertheless, it is difficult to refute and defy the role of family inShow MoreRelatedFactors Affecting Failing Gra des782 Words   |  4 PagesWhat are factors affecting academic performance? Answer: Many, many factors can affect academic performance, which means how a person does on schoolwork. The physical condition of the student has a great deal to do with that persons ability to do a good a good job on anything and to understand anything. For example, if the student has poor eyesight, he or she might not be able to read well. If the student has a hearing impairment, he or she might not be able to listen to and understand instructionsRead Moreeffects of having nearby computer shops in Capitol University1417 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Introduction A computer is a crucial component of the academic success of a student. Whether it is a laptop or a desktop, a computer offers a unique platform to gain the most up-to-date information and to analyze the use of that information for school projects. Additionally, computers help students grow accustomed to writing professional material, like resumes when preparing for the workforce. Technology has developed so much that it is almost crucial to have electronic devices  particularlyRead MoreHow Does Low Socioeconomic Status Affect the Development and Academic Performance of Children?1654 Words   |  7 PagesSocioeconomic Status Affect the Development and Academic Performance of Children? Introduction Throughout my classes at DePaul’s College of Education, I have wondered how and why socioeconomic factors have such a profound effect on childrens school readiness, development, and future of learning. With the addition of clinical experiences in various schools and grades, a passion and focus area of mine has been multicultural perspectives, often volunteering at schools where students and their familiesRead Moreeffect of lack of computer1319 Words   |  6 Pagescomponents like lack of computers, improper lighting and poor air quality affects the overall academic performance of the students. The purpose of this study is to discuss the effects of lack of computers in the laboratory of the said school which greatly affect the academic performance of the students who are using the computers. This study will provide specific suggestions on how to improve and provide sufficient school facilities which greatly aids in the academic life of the students resulting to betterRead MoreA Research Proposal For Otago Polytechnic Essay1077 Words   |  5 Pagesinternational students. This campus mainly offers career based courses which are Business, hospitality and NZ diplomas. We are performing a research in order to enrich the overall performance of international student in Auckland campus regarding their issues which they generally face in respect of accommodation, new culture, stress, communication, teaching methods, medical conditions that highly effect their academic performance. Research Question and Aims 2.1 Research Question: What are the factors thatRead MoreThe Impact of Facebook on Students Academic Performance Essay1683 Words   |  7 Pagescollege students. This has led to a question amongst researchers whether students’ use of this networking site influences their academic outcomes. This literature review will examine and synthesize the published current research concerning the impact of Facebook on college students’ academic performance. Even though most studies are inconclusive in determining the relationship between Facebook and academic performance, all researchers contribute to understanding the way that Facebook might affect students’Read MoreProcrastination And Its Effects On Students1300 Words   |  6 PagesEveryday students procrastinate. This is not something new, however. Procrastination is a behavior that started a long time ago. It is a phenomenon as old as the universe. Most students are seen procrastinating every day. Zarick Stonebraker (2009) conducted a survey among students. They wrote: As expected, the effects of procrastination are widespread. Only a single student claimed â€Å"never† to be affected by procrastination in any of the three categories and 42 percent admitted that they â€Å"usually†Read MoreThe Motivation Of Student Online Learning Affect Student Learning Satisfaction Using Self Determination Theory877 Words   |  4 Pagesto determine how the motivation of student in online learning affect student learning satisfaction using self-determination theory of motivation of graduate students of technology management program at the department of polytechnic studies of Southeast Missouri State University. Self-motivation is a necessary factor in both online and face to face classes. It is more important for online classes because there is no second person available in front of a student as in face to face classes. EcclessRead MoreEffects of the Study Habits1056 Words   |  5 PagesTHE PERCEPTION OF THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF PALAWAN HOPE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SY 2012-2013 REGARDING THE USAGE OF EBOOK A Thesis Presented to the English Department of Palawan Hope Christian School In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in Grammar and Composition III By: Adrian Angelo A. Fernandez March 2012 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Our study is about â€Å"The Perception of the High School Students of Palawan Hope Christian School SY 2012-2013 regarding the usageRead MoreEffect of Online Games Addiction on Study Habits1696 Words   |  7 PagesThis aspect works in association with the personal characteristic and importance of discipline to the individual (student) gamester. The effective advertisement and promotions of online games developers caught the youth or student’s attention to response. These qualities of online games advertisement give it immense influence over a vast range and sizeable number of youth or student gamester. Certainly, it is not just a matter of a single flick. The online game is an industry. An industry

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Career Objective Free Essays

The Purpose of Studying at AIT and Career Objective For Obtaining AIT’s Master Degree I am a degree holder of Bachelor of Engineering (Information Technology) and I have a keen interest in information technology,especially in programming. During this years, I am not only working at Agricultural Mechnization Department as a Senior Assistant Engineer but also learning computer programming language. It has equipped me with stable technical skills in programming and experience with SDLC methodologies. We will write a custom essay sample on Career Objective or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the experience of working on different IT projects,it has established my interest in project management and I made me realized that my own career goal is to be a professional Computer Programmer or a Chief Information Officer. In our country ,many professional programmer and IT manager formed various committees and association such as Myanmar Computer Professional Association(MCPA) . The government has initiated various programs such as their Own Ministry Websites and the E-commerce system to provide strategic direction towards Myanmar’s IT development.. However,these initiatives are facing issues such as lack of technology transfer due to short of IT specialists. However,I think that my existing knowledge and experience is insufficient for me to be able to achieve my goal. Hence , this is my motivation behind of my admission to your course. To be a successful Computer programmer and IT manager, rich IT knowledge and experience is critical. However,knowledge in various areas of project is also crucial. I expert that the Master in Computer Science at Asian Institute of Technology will allow me to enhance and strength my acamedic knowledge about management theories and programming methodologies. Also, through the peer to peer experience sharing to be able to familiarize myself with the challenges and difficulties that may arise during computer system management at various industries and learn how to overcome these challenges and difficulties by sharing ideas with one another. I also strongly believe that my Master degree from AIT will give me the qualities and capability to help overcome the technology transfer obstacle in Myanmar. My graduate degree in AIT will help me become an IT specialist in the government office and in long term venture into technology management consultation to help Myanmar master the technology to compete with the developed countries that have moved on to a more advanced technology. I wish to form innovative strategies to initiate various database system ventures in the public sector. We must have built in every corner of the needs not only in economic, politic movement but also the basic communication and technology as well. We truly need the basic knowledge of 21 century’s general modern industrial’s beneficial and advantages. We must take the advantages of innovative technology in order to make some change for the better place of Myanmar. . The more we have variety educated, skillful and professional social workers, and the better way to develop our country with respect to the basic needs. In my conclusion,today era is information and communication era. Today’s youth will be able to catch up with the technological age only if they constantly study IT technologies in accord with the modern age. These are what I am willing to do and what I am always dreaming about how to make change for my country to be a democratic one. I truly believe that AIT is the best choice to due to the excellent academic reputation and atmosphere within the university. It will be great honor for me to have an opportunity to study a leading global university like AIT. How to cite Career Objective, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Notorious Transitions free essay sample

In life, I experienced many epiphanies that would put me in a state of confusion, realizing what I have become. That transition from Point A to B without any way to see how it changed in between except to realize that life goes downhill, no steps on the way, just a steep slope. My life has changed so drastically over the years, and it went by so fast that sometimes I am unable to process the change. That process became my story, as I took a leap of faith. As a child, I was oblivious of my surroundings. In Yangon, Gazing through shiny blue painted iron gates, I took my hometown for granted, as my father spoiled me, with everything in the grasp of my hands. We will write a custom essay sample on Notorious Transitions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I lived like a panda in a bamboo jungle, sitting there as I took life by the roots, stuffing it down my throat. However, all good things must come to an end, as everything I ever took for granted blew away like ashes on the palm of my hands. My maids packed my bags for the last time, stuffing it with clothes and half of the toys I had in my room. I remember bidding farewell to my Burmese cousins and family, even to my own mother, as though I was to never see them again. Waving at them until they became a spectacle in my visions, I left Myanmar with my father and older brother. We arrived in a small town and life as we know it was turned completely upside down. It was an urban place filled with clusters of one story buildings, uneven roads, and polluted air from a dirt mountain that was right in front of our new home. My father started a backyard sale, selling piles of things that we did not need any more in exchange for sums of cash. I stood there, on cold pavement watching him stack piles â€Å"junk† on top of each other. Opening the rusted gates wide for neighbors to roam in, he mentioned that we too could throw away things we didn’t need. It was easy for me, stuffed toys, cartoon themed school bags, they meant nothing as I stacked them outside, writing prices of my choice on Post-It notes and sticking it on each item. It had to be done as our finances were down, and we needed the money desperately. At the point, I came to the realization that I was selling my old life away, making room for a new life with my father. I immediately stared a t every single thing I threw on the pile, and all of them became valuable like alchemists turning metal into gold. I finally saw myself from a third person point of view and realized how spoiled I used to be, unable to differentiate my needs from my wants. I became more wary of the environment I lived in, struggling to get used to what I was in for. However, those next 10 years, before moving back to Yangon, were the best years I’ve experienced in my life. I reshaped myself through discipline and responsibility in the common life. I grew a conscious of the world that accepted me, one that deserves my effort. And with all the years I have experienced, through different cultures and families, I plan on using it to represent myself as that individual who made it out of the island with just a hatchet and a rock.